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Saturday, November 1, 2008

happy candy o thing day ween

Oh dear! I'm late on the Halloween bus! (watch as I point to my blog's right sidebar.)

*ahem* BOO! Biznatches.

And, the deed is done. Hope everyone had a good halloween. Me? I left my bike on an LBTA bus and ran after it as it blazed through a green light. THEN I went trick or treating. Overall; an eventful night ending, ending more like a night of partying and alcohol with a repentant call in the morning (to the lost and found, though.)

Right, so on top of now having a full-on job, four classes, continued hotness (but there are clouds today, so hooray) I now have ~6 hours a week of service-learning (predominantly pointless persecution of puritan collegients who take an intro to government class) plus about 100 minutes of bus riding.

I'm still slugging through chapter improvements, but I snagged a few beta readers, so that's gone better. Exactly what I plan to do witht hese first six episodes? Let's just call them a pilot. Big things will eventually follow once I have some spare time.

Also; proving that white guys CAN dance hah!

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